KOH Library and Cultural Center

2300 Sierra Blvd. Sacramento, CA 95825

Thursday, February 9, 2012

KOH New Arrivals - February

By Fire Possessed; Dona Gracia Nasi 
     by Sandrak Toro
Jews and Booze - Becoming American in the Age of Prohibition
     by Marni Davis
A Book Forged in Hell; Spinoza's Scandalous Treatise and the Birth of the Secular Age
     by Steven Nadler
Good Living Street; Portrait of a Family, Vienna 1900
     by Tim Bonyhady

A Stranger in the Planet, a novel
     by Adam Schwartz
The House at Tyneford, a novel
      by Natasha Solomons
No One is Here Except All of Us, a novel
     by Ramona Ausubel
The Linen Queen, a novel
     by Patricia Falvey
The Flame Alphabet, a novel
     by Ben Marcus

In addition the following new receipts are related to the upcoming March 18 presentation by Dr. Robert Platzner on Women in the Bible:

Warrior, Dancer, Seductress, Queen;  Women in Judges and Biblical Israel
     by Susan Ackerman
The Voices of the Matriarchs
     by Chava Weissler
Discovering Eve; Ancient Israelite Women in Context
     by Carol Meyers
In the Wake of the Goddesses; Women, Culture, and the Biblical Transformation of Pagan Myth
     by Tikvah Frymer-Kensky
Did God Have a Wife; Archaelogy and Folk Religion in Ancient Israel
     by William G. Dever

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