KOH Library and Cultural Center

2300 Sierra Blvd. Sacramento, CA 95825

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

KOH Fiction Book Club Meeting

Please join us on December 14th at 7 PM to discuss "Isaac's Torah", by Angel Wagenstein.

Bulgarian author and screenwriter Wagenstein devotes his powerful novel to an affable Jewish tailor from a small town in Eastern Europe who survives the reigns of Hitler and Stalin. Wagenstein himself escaped from a concentration camp and was saved from execution when Soviets entered Bulgaria. Half a century later, he creates self-effacing narrator Isaac Jacob Blumenfeld, threading Jewish jokes throughout the narrative not only to sweeten the bitter material but also because they encapsulate the humanistic foundation of Isaac's philosophy. Isaac's mesmerizing voice charms through every disaster, and engages and delights the reader without distracting from Wagenstein's profound insights into life's absurdities.

Simone Clay will facilitate the discussion.

After our book discussion, we will be choosing our books for 2011.

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